Build Your Health the Purabi Way!
Build Your Health the Purabi Way!

Milk plays a very crucial role in our diet and one of the most important sources of nutrition for children. And why not! Milk is rich in calcium, which is vital for building and maintaining strong bones. Milk also provides many other nutrients, including Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Iodine, Riboflavin, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, and Phosphorus, as well as high-quality proteins and carbohydrates. When fortified, it comes to you with added vitamins and minerals without altering the taste, smell or flavour.

So why fortified milk?

  • Promotes growth in children: Milk is among the best foods for children. It is not only a drink but is considered a complete food to nourish your child’s mind, body, and soul. The calcium it provides help build strong bones and teeth. It also helps to keep a good memory, if consumed regularly. Give your children the white boon twice a day without a miss for his all-round growth.
  • It maintains fertility: According to a research conducted by Harvard University, people who regularly consume milk are about 25 percent less exposed to risks of fertility problems compared to those who consume milk once a week.

So, enjoy two glasses of fortified milk every day. Because:

  • It energizes your body: by providing you with a powerhouse of nutrients important for healthy bones and teeth
  • It fuels your mind: by strengthening your mental acuity, knowing that it is a source of hydration and, when fortified, it offers the essential vitamins and minerals needed to improve brain health and function.
  • It fuels your morning: by giving you an energy boost during breakfast and mid-morning snack to keep you up and running between meals.
  • It keeps you away from illness: by fulfilling micronutrient deficiencies that can cause night blindness, goitre, anaemia and various other birth defects.

So, it is important to choose the right kind of fortified milk for you and your family. To start a day most households of Assam prefer Purabi Smart milk in their cups.

So what’s special about Purabi Smart Milk?

  •  It’s pasteurized and homogenized.
  •  It’s fortified with Vitamin A and D.
  •  Packed in high-quality food-grade pouches.
  •  Minimum fat 3.0% and solid-not-fat at 8.5%.
  •  Great source of protein, calcium, riboflavin, folate, essential vitamins & minerals.

You already know that milk can do wonders for children and aged people. But, the fact is milk can do wonders for people of all ages! You are never too young or too old to gain the rewards of drinking this white liquid. Fortified milk only enhances those wonders, ensuring that you get the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

So make a habit of drinking fortified Purabi Smart Milk. You will be doing your health a great favor!
